Money & duty free for The Islands of Tahiti
Exchange rates:
French Pacific FrancC$1 = XPF85.82
€1 = XPF119.33
£1 = XPF142.59
US$1 = XPF115.06
Currency & Money
French Pacific Franc (XPF/CFP) = 100 centimes. Notes are in denominations of XPF 10,000, 5,000, 1,000 and 500. Coins are in denominations of XPF 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1. The French Pacific Franc is tied to the Euro.
Travellers' cheques are not popular nowadays. If you choose to carry some, take them in US Dollars or Euros to avoid additional exchange rate charges.
There are no restrictions on the import or export of local or foreign currency. However, amounts exceeding French Pacific Franc 1,200,000 or €10,000 or equivalent must be declared when entering and leaving. The amounts from cash, checks drawn on a third party, traveller's cheques, bearer and negotiable debt securities, securities, gold bullion and listed gold coins must all be added up.
Exchange facilities are available at the airport and they are opened during the arrival and departure times of international flights. The international banks on Tahiti and the most visited islands are Banque de Tahiti, Banque de Polynésie, Banque Socredo and they all have foreign exchange facilities. International hotels also offer a money exchange service.
Beware that Tuamotu, Gambier and Austral Islands do not have exchange facilities.
The Islands of Tahiti duty free
The following items may be imported into Tahiti:
• 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250g pipe tobacco (above aged 17 only).
• 2L of alcoholic drinks (above aged 17 only).
• 50g of perfume.
• 500g of coffee or 200g of coffee extract.
• 100g of tea or 40g of tea extract.
• Goods up to a value of XPF/CFP 30,000 (over aged 15).
• Goods up to a value of XPF/CFP 15,000 (below aged 15).
You're also advised to have documents justifying that certain everyday objects (cameras, photo cameras, tape recorders, radio sets, etc) belong to you.